
PulpFest 2017 Dealers

Not only is PulpFest lauded for its excellent programming, it is also known for its very substantial dealers’ room.

Beginning on Thursday, July 27, the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Pittsburgh – Cranberry will be home to thousands of collectible pulp magazines and digests, vintage paperbacks, first edition hardcovers and series books, original art, B-movies and serials, collectible comic books, and more.

Who are we expecting at PulpFest 2017? For the next two days, we’ll be profiling some of our dealers, telling you a little bit about each of them to help you know them . . .

Although Iowa’s BILL THINNES has been attending PulpFest since its beginning, it has been a few years since he came as a dealer. We’re glad to have him back! He will have an assortment of hardcovers and paperbacks, some posters and prints, and smattering of King Kong merchandise, and possibly a recreated SHADOW cover painting. Pay a visit to Bill’s table during PulpFest 2017 and you’ll be surprised by what you find.

Our 2011 Munsey Award winner, ANTHONY TOLLIN, will be selling his SANCTUM BOOKS pulp reprints – The Avenger, The Black Bat, Doc Savage, Nick Carter, The Phantom Detective, The Shadow, The Skipper, The Spider and The Whisperer – nine of the greatest pulp heroes in one of the best formats imaginable. He’ll also have his special multi-packs featuring art prints, preliminary pulp cover art by Jerome and George Rozen, original Shadow comic book art, and other special materials available for purchase.

Please welcome TOM SKEMP of SKEPTIC COLLECTIBLES back to PulpFest. Specializing in horror and science fiction, Tom is a resident of Latrobe, Pennsylvania. He will be selling collectible hardcovers and a wide variety of paperbacks as well as some magazines. Check out his table for some chills, thrills, and some great finds.

JOAB STIEGLITZ of Virginia is an avid tabletop role-playing game player and game master of the horror, espionage, fantasy, and science fiction genres. He is the author of Cthulhu-oriented pulp adventures and writes a blog at Rantings of a Wandering Mind ~ The Writing Blog of Joab Stieglitz. Joab will be selling copies of his UTGARDA TRILOGY at this year’s PulpFest. Please be sure to welcome him.

TIM PAXTON of Grand Rapids, Michigan specializes in paperbacks and small-press, first-edition hardcovers, dealing mainly in high-grade science fiction, fantasy, and horror as well as mysteries and pulp-related material. Check out the TIM’S BOOKS website at PulpFest sponsor AbeBooks.com.

PulpFest auction director BARRY TRAYLOR will be selling issues of pulps, hardcovers, paperbacks, reference materials, pulp reprints, and a selection of screws, nuts, and bolts. Not really. Remember, if you have any questions concerning the PulpFest auction, please stop by Barry’s table at the convention. Look for the “Auction” banner!

A pulp collector for about forty years, SHEILA VANDERBEEK is from Kalamazoo, Michigan. She’ll be bringing pulp magazines from all genres for sale or trade. Of course, the more she sells, the more she’ll be able to buy from the many fine dealers who will be attending PulpFest 2017.

JON WEHLER is a very personable dealer and collector who offers pulps, original art, and other paper collectibles. He’ll also have lots of vintage paperbacks from many different genres at PulpFest 2017. Based in Ohio, he exhibits at many book and paper shows throughout the Midwest. He often lends a hand during the PulpFest Saturday Night Auction. Did we mention that he’s a nice guy?

DAVID WHITE of suburban Chicago returns to PulpFest after a few years absence. He has been collecting for about forty years and selling since 2006, mostly through ebay as DAVE’S COMIC VAULT. At PulpFest2017, David will have science-fiction pulps as well as some hero and horror magazines. He’ll also be selling fanzines, paperbacks, digests, and pulp reprints.

Author CHET WILLIAMSON, who will be reading from his novel Robert Bloch’s PSYCHO: SANITARIUM on Thursday, July 27, will also be selling at the convention. He’ll have copies of his own books for sale at his table, along with a selection of pulp magazines and pulp-related books. Of course, Mr. Williamson will be glad to sign your purchases. Chet’s Guest-of-Honor speech at our 2015 PulpFest was one of the highlights of the convention.

DAVE WILLOUGHBY is a long-time collector of fantasy, science fiction, thrillers, and mysteries in all shapes and sizes. Retired to the Midwest following a career in the Air Force, Dave will be selling hundreds of vintage and signed paperbacks, as well as science fiction and fantasy hardcovers. This will be DAVE’S BOOKS third appearance as a PulpFest dealer.

Even though this is his first time setting up at Pulp Fest life long New Jersey resident DEREK WOYWOOD has a long history in selling comic books and other vintage paper collectibles. In fact Derek had sold collectibles in five decades before he turned 5 decades old. Bringing an assortment of magazines, fanzines, digests along with golden age and silver age comics two categories will be of notice to fans and dealers attending our show. Derek carries collecting supplies to preserve your precious pulps and other treasures you will find in our vast dealers area. Recently released is the annual Overstreet comic book price guide. Derek will be offering to anyone in attendance both softcover and hardcover versions at a nice discount of twenty percent off of cover price.

PulpFest is pleased to welcome Chicago’s LARRY HALLOCK of YGOR’S BOOKS to this year’s convention. Specializing in out-of-print science fiction, fantasy, and horror fiction, Larry will be selling original art, paperbacks, hardcovers, digests, pulps, and other collectibles, including many signed items.

If you are a dealer or collector who would like to sell at PulpFest, please click the “Register for 2017” button just below the banner at the top of our home page. You can also email convention chairperson Jack Cullers at jack@pulpfest.com for further information about selling at the convention.

If you still need to book a room at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Pittsburgh – Cranberry — just north of Pennsylvania’s “Steel City,” please call 1-800-222-8733. Be sure to mentionPulpFest in order to receive any convention special deals that may still be available.

Please be sure to join us for “Summer’s AMAZING Dealers’ Room” at PulpFest 2017! And be sure to visit our home page next week as we offer three days of highlights from this year’s Saturday Night Auction.

(With 2017 being the year that PulpFest celebrates the hardboiled dicks, dangerous dames, and psychos of the pulps, we’re very pleased to welcome as our Guest of Honor, pulp artist Gloria Stoll Karn. In a field dominated by men, it was highly unusual for a woman to be painting covers for pulp magazines. But at age seventeen, Gloria Stoll began contributing black and white interior illustrations to pulp magazines. In a few years, the young artist was painting covers. How’s that for a dangerous dame? A very fine example of her work is the DETECTIVE TALES cover for July 1945. DETECTIVE TALES was the number three title in Popular Publications’ detective pulp group, behind DIME DETECTIVE and BLACK MASK. It ran for eighteen years.

Sanctum Books reproduces the original covers and interior illustrations from the pulp magazines in their continuing series of pulp reprints. Pictured here is George Rozen’s cover art for Sanctum’s volume 118  from its series of Shadow reprints. The artwork originally appeared on the November 15, 1937 issue of THE SHADOW which featured the first appearance of Myra Reldon. Anthony Tollin will discuss Myra and “The Dangerous Dames of Maxwell Grant” on Thursday evening, July 27.

The original PSYCHO novel by Robert Bloch was published in 1959. It took Bloch twenty-three years to write another PSYCHO novel, revealing that Norman had been in a mental institution the entire time. What happened in that asylum during those two decades? Until now no one has known. The dust jacket for Chet Williamson’s novel, PSYCHO: SANITARIUM, was designed by Ervin Serrano.)

PulpFest Returns to Pittsburgh!

PulpFest 2025 will begin Thursday, August 7, and run through Sunday, August 10. It will be held at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Pittsburgh – Cranberry. Please join us for "Masters of Blood and Thunder" and much more at PulpFest 2025.

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