One-hundred years ago, Street & Smith launched the first successful specialty fiction pulp — DETECTIVE STORY MAGAZINE. Its popularity would lead to a proliferation of pulp magazines devoted to a single theme or genre — western, love, air, science fiction, supernatural, and, of course, detective. Many more specialty pulps would follow in the ensuing years, culminating in single-character magazines such as THE SHADOW and DOC SAVAGE MAGAZINE.
Even though John A. Coughlin’s Santa Claus is stopping traffic, it doesn’t look like he’s going to get very far with that huge bag of toys. So why not treat yourself to a gift of your own by signing up for a registration to PulpFest 2016? It will take place at the Hyatt Regency Columbus from July 21 – 24, 2016 and should be a very special convention! Stay tuned to our website to learn more about “Summer’s AMAZING Pulp Con.”
In the meantime, your PulpFest organizing committee — Jack and Sally Cullers, Mike Chomko, Bill Lampkin, Barry Traylor, and Chuck Welch — would like to wish everybody a healthy and happy holiday season.
(John A. Coughlin’s Santa Claus graced the front cover to the December 24, 1927 issue of Street & Smith’s DETECTIVE STORY MAGAZINE.)